Mend March and Gyoza

I recently discovered that March is the month to mend… and do we have a pile to mend. The pile consists of items we have loved over the years and have worn down a bit. I’m going to try to extend the life of these items for a little bit more. I hope to keep track of my progress here and hopefully any tips and tricks I learn along the way.

In other news, despite being quite busy in the early part of the day I decided to make a batch of pork gyoza. It’s been a while and I forgot how long it takes to make them. It’s really more of a good weekend kind of task since it takes up a good portion of the day. But goodness do I love them. Gyoza is one of those foods that really are worth the effort.

Various internet recipes have been my go to for making gyoza in the past. This time I had pulled out my copy of Japanese Soul Cooking by Tadashi Ono and Harris Salat. I’ve made a few things from this cookbook and they have been all quite good. This made a good size batch so we are able to freeze for future meals. I think I just need to make them more often to speed up the process.

Btw, the lower left photo is the gyoza right out of the pan. Despite being extremely tasty the hana… or wings were looking pretty sad. I really need to work on that.

Btw, my love for gyoza knows no bounds. Here is a dumpling ornament that hangs in my kitchen that I purchased from Yunxuan_yin on ig (etsy store Xuan325) late last year. Love this little guy.