What’s On The Needles

If I’m totally honest I have too many wips to count on the needles right now. I’m sure others can relate and the struggle is real. I was hoping to clear up some of my needles and project bags this year but alas that did not happen. I did manage to drag one project out of limbo.

I’ve been itching to start a new sweater since finishing up my Tour de Fleece yarn from a few posts back but I had this lingering guilt of having my Kamone sweater fester in knitting purgatory. I needed to pull it out and decided to either finish it up or frog it. After pulling it out I fell in love with it again and decided that yes I want this finished product.

The pattern designer is Naomi Shiraishi and the yarn is Jill Draper’s Mohonk. I had picked up the yarn at MD Sheep and Wool in May of 2019 and started it a few months later. This sweater has been though a few processes that I will go into when it’s all done but for now I just have to finish the body and it will be off the needles. It has been my evening knitting the past couple of weeks. If it’s possible I would love to wear it on Thankgiving day next week. Cross fingers that I get it done because it will involve me weaving in ends and blocking it. Two of my least favorite things when it comes to sweater making. But hopefully by the next post it will be finished.

I had mentioned in my last post that I had cast on a pair of socks for my Birthday… a little Bday cast on. It’s been a while since I cast on a pair and I even think I’ve made only one pair so far this year. Sock knitting is definitely a comfort knit for me which has been needed. The main yarn was bought at this year’s MD Sheep and Wool. It’s Ewetopia Wisco Sock in Basil. This green really stood out when I was walking around the main barn at the show. The secondary yarn which I used for the cuff but will also use for the heels and toes is Miss Babe Hot Shot Toes in Uberraschuns (spelling is ?… also looks to not be dyed anymore. I bought it years ago). I am in love with this yarn combo and is pretty excited to see these finished.

Last week the weather in Baltimore was beautiful and then like over night the temps dropped to below freezing. Yay to sweater weather. I’m still dreaming of summer foods though, if I’m honest. So last week after listening to the NPR Life Kit pod cast called Mexican cooking 101 I really wanted to getting into making salsa. In the past I’ve made a couple of attempts that were meh but the podcast gave me courage to try it again. One of the guest was Rick Martinez, who I’m a fan of so when I started searching for a recipe online I kept him in mind. Luckily I found this recipe for Charred Salsa Roja and decided to give it a go.

The Mr is normally the salsa eater in the house but I have to say that even I found this salsa to be amazing. When I ask the Mr to come and try it we were both hovered over the bowl eat away forgetting that dinner was not that far off time wise. Since making this I’ve made it again and it’s still great. It’s also tasty on tacos. I highly recommend this recipe. It makes a lot so this last batch I froze half for this weekend or next.

I’m ending this post to say that I uploaded a new batch of loom kits recently. It’s just a small batch and it might be the last until the end of the year. By the beginning of next year more should be on the way. I’m offering free shipping on purchases of $35.00 or more until the end of the year to help out for the holiday season. That should start this weekend. I will make a proper announcement on IG and Twitter.