Blogmas Day 6: Yarn by Spinnit

Today Nancy Newman dropped off her yarn to sell at Mark Supik and Co’s holiday shop. I got a good look of her gorgeous hand spun yarn when we shared a table together at the Fredrick Fiber Festival early last month. When talk of the holiday shop began we knew that we wanted to include her yarn.

The skeins above are two that I purchased from her at the festival. As soon as she unpacked them I knew that I wanted them. In case you don’t know or remember, Nancy supplies the hand dyed yarns that are included in the loom kits.

Each skein is 100% merino wool so it’s incredibly soft. The wool was dyed, carded and then hand spun on a small turkish drop spindle by Nancy herself. This was a project she took on durning the early stages of Covid. The colors are more incredible in person. They will be available at the shop until Christmas so stop by to see and touch them in person. The skein above is one of a kind. Get it before it’s gone.