We got our tree up and Santa is out. We spent most of the day making room for the tree and getting the house in order for the holiday. We are letting the tree settle before decorating it tomorrow. I posted about this lovely Santa in a post last year. It’s feeling a bit more like the holidays now.
I might have mentioned that my mother is a collector of recipe books. I was over my parent’s house helping my mom get a few things down for the holidays when she handed me this book and asked if I wanted it. What a gem of a book. The Joys of Jell-o. My mother had a few different versions of this book from various generations. I’ve discovered that at some point Jell-o decided that savory jell-o based dishes were maybe a bit out dated for the modern palette. But if you were feeling a bit nostalgic for a savory Jell-o dish I posted a recipe above for you to give a try. Chicken Mousse. It honestly seems that any dish that would normally ask for a lash of lemon juice would instead require you to encase its entire contents in lemon or orange/pineapple Jell-o. Yummy…