Another gift is finished. This is also a head band but this time it’s a modified version of the Cecilia Baby Headband . I had made this headband before for myself after seeing a ravelry user post their modified version. The major change they did was the stitch count and that was all they posted. That was what I went by. Luckily past me on a rare occasion actually posted that project on Ravelry with additional information so I had everything I needed to make the modifications again. Yay past me! I was able to whip this up in about a day. The yarns I used were some left over Hedgehog Fibre singles in a club color that I can not remember and some dark gray Cascade sock yarn. I really like this combo.
The finished item will be going to my mother in law. She wanted the added warmth when she walks Tickles, her dog.
Still knitting on sock number one. I got past the heel flap and gusset, which are the most time consuming parts of the sock if you ask me. I had started and finished the gusset decrease while watching the Hitchcock film Trouble With Harry. It’s up on Criterion’s streaming channel this month so I thought I would check it out. It was my first time seeing it and I thought it was good. I managed to finish my last decrease just as the movie was wrapping up. The timing worked out.